Energizes the body, hydrates cells and organs within 4 minutes (Tap water takes 45 minutes), improved metabolic efficiency, promotes the absorption rate of nutrients and supplements, rids headaches, immediately improves focus.
Formulated with Clustered Water Technology patented by 2 U.S. Patents. The destruction of water structure at the cellular level is a common factor in both cancer and diabetes and cells surrounded by less structured water are weaker and more prone to malfunction and genetic mutation justifying why this water should be taken daily as a preventative and treatment measure. Reduces acids.Slows down the ageing process.
Contains structure making ions such as calcium with powerful energetic forces, electric and magnetic fields to re-align the water molecules
Take immediately upon waking before any other liquids to immediately hydrate cells. Recommend a minimum of 1 litre per day. Not to be taken 1 hour before sleep. Hangover: Drink at least 1 litre.
Super-Booster for all the nutrients you take in therefore do not mix with other enhancers or alcohol as this may supercharge their abilities and improve bio-availability. It makes everything more powerful.
Do not leave in open sunlight.